Multi-Club Medical Device Tour and Leadership Event | September 13
Multi-Club Medical Device Tour / Leadership Event
We are very excited to have Professor Ronald Bennett leading a joint event by the Penn and Johns Hopkins clubs on Thursday, September 13. Dr. Bennett’s primary interest is in the area of leadership requirements for engineers to meet the demands of the 21st Century. Prior to Dr. Bennett’s presentation, we will have socializing/dinner and a rare opportunity to tour St. Jude Medical’s Advanced Technology Center. The ATC showcases the entire medical device product portfolio of St. Jude Medical and provides a unique setting geared toward hands-on interactive experiences.
Dr. Bennett was the founding dean of the School of Engineering at the University of St. Thomas. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; a master of science in metallurgical engineering and PhD in metallurgy from the University of Minnesota; and an MBA from the University of St. Thomas. Dr. Bennett and co-author Elaine Millam have just published ‘Leadership for Engineers: The Magic of Mindset’. The authors share stories of emerging leaders and their experiences, as well as some critical information and tools that help technical professionals reflect on their experiences and decide what comes next.
We really hope you can join us for this very special event!
Hosting Clubs: Penn and Johns Hopkins Clubs of Minnesota
Other Participants: We are very happy to invite all Ivy/TCAN Clubs*.
Guests: All guests are very welcome!
Date: Thursday, September 13
Time: 5:00 - 7:30pm (networking/dinner from 5:00-6:30, tour from 5:30-6:30, presentation from 6:30-7:30)
Location: St Jude Medical Corporation, One St. Jude Medical Drive, St Paul, MN
Cost: $15, includes tour, talk and dinner.
RSVP: Denise Anderson, [email protected] (please list school affiliation) by September 11
Payment Options:
- Submit $15 via Paypal to [email protected] or
(please make check payable to Dan Rutman and write "Alumni Event" in memo).
* TCAN clubs consist of Amherst, Brown, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, London Business School, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, Penn, Princeton, Smith, Stanford, Virginia, Wharton, Yale, Interclub and IvyLife.