Welcome to the Wharton Alumni Club of Minnesota website.
As President of the Minnesota Club, I am excited about the opportunity to create and manage an infrastructure to connect, open doors, foster business relationships, access and opportunities for all alumni. We aim to transform the way local alumni interact with each other and with the school.
Critical to our success, is creating an engaged community of alumni who Take The Call.
If you believe, as I and other alumni club presidents do, that we should all Take The Call:
Wharton people should know Wharton people,
Wharton people should help Wharton people,
Wharton people should hire Wharton people, and
Wharton people should do business with Wharton people,
then take action to shape your experience as a Minnesota alumni.
While a handful of volunteers have driven the establishment of the club, it is imperative that we all engage to sustain its value. As you can see, our Alumni Association is more than just the social and learning events that we've experienced of late. It is also about access... and you have it, access to people, friendships, intellectual stimulation, opportunities, business leads, investment capital, government and career opportunities.
The Wharton Alumni Network can be your most powerful tool for business, social, career and intellectual growth. Use it, Enhance it, Take the Call!
Betsy Schneider, W'10
President, The Wharton Alumni Club of Minnesota